From Dark Horse Comics( Nov. 2001 ) Venture line, comes a trio of Franco Saudelli tales( translated to English, and with a light language edit by me ). The book title is "Drama on the Cliff". These pages are from the first story-"A" is in Actor. Here Gabrielle Hart is being black-mailed( or at least her wealthy family is ) with racy pornographic pics, from some unknown sleazy movie. Otto Porfiri is hired by the family to put an end to the scandal, ere it becomes fully involved. Sounds like a few current Hollywood head-lines, doesn't it?
It is much later in the story that Gabrielle is shown B&G in an abandoned store-house, filled with mannequins( unfortunately there is no kidnap scene for the first or second time round ). Otto shows up just a bit too late, as Gab is kidnapped from the original kidnappers/black-mailers, by her would-be lover( and script-writer ), who gets ready to put a bullet in her head. This time Otto does shoe up in the nick, to save Gabrielle.
Contributed by subtorp.