As comic book publishers go, Magazine Enterprises had a fairly short-lived run, lasting from 1944 to 1956, and falling on hard times soon after the onset of the Comic Book Code. Ironically, I consider Black Phantom #1, which came out in 1954, the very year the troublesome code went into effect, (special note: no number #2 ever appeared or was ever published) to be one of the greatest DID comic books ever to hit the newstands. Penciled and inked by the great Frank Bolle (who did Winnie Winkle 20 years, and Heart of Juliet Jones 9 years) the fine looking Black Phantom gets overpowered not once, not twice but three times in the first story alone, and once again in each of the remaining two stories. As far as I know, only Nyoka can lay claim to an equal number of DID scenes in a single issue, and Black Phantom is far sexier looking than Nyoka, at least as I see it. Bolle also did the cover of this issue and it is a tribute to his work. BTW, you will no doubt notice that the seal of the CODE is missing from this cover, even though it had gone into effect several months earlier -- ME was no doubt testing the waters. Following ME's demise, Redmask's deputy female sheriff went into a 30 year hibernation until the mid 80's when Bill Black, (bless his soul), revived and represented her in his great Americomics lineup. In the stories below she is manhandled, KO'd, tossed unconscious out of a saloon by a three-some of "bad hats" who are nothing more than town bullies. In second story she is knocked down by an evil sheriff bent on executing all law enforcement personel, and in the 3rd story she is gassed. Enjoy!
Source: Golden Age Comic Downloads
Jul 07, 2010
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