Fiction House was beginning to realize that "Good Girl Art" and "Damsel-in-Distress" art when combined was a hot selling item in 1940. In this, the December issue of that year, Sheena has nine peril frames within the first three pages of a twelve page story. In fact, her peril is so severe that it incapacitates her for the remaining 9 pages of the story, and her mate Bob fights the baddies solo as Sheena lies recovering from a near fatal experience. On the second and third pages of this story she is attacked by a black panther, and is wrestling with it when a highly venomous, "spitting" Cobra snake approaches and spits venom into her eyes, blinding her and also poisoning her. Bob manages to shoot the panther, but Sheena passes out from the snake venom. She is taken to a "witch doctor" to be cured, and eventually she is, but not until the last page of this twelve page story. Pics below show her wrestling the panther, getting venomized, passing out, and arm carried to the witch doctor's hut. Shortly after issue 24 the art work would improve dramatically, but even in these early issues, she is still very easy on the eyes. Have fun!
Source: GACD
Aug 15, 2011