I finally have a new piece to show! I started producing this on June 10th, but got busy (with work, life, blah blah). Finally had a chance to finish coloring it this weekend. Absolutely loved how this turned out. Even after not making art for like 5 months, it's like I haven't lost the skill!
So, there's obviously an anachronism in this piece. Simone (the heroine of the story), is a girl who lives during the French Revolution. Chloroform wasn't invented until the mid 1800's. Just pretend it existed back then!
Simone as La Seine no Hoshi always beats the bad guys. In this fantasy piece, one of the bad guys is clever enough to sneak up behind and place a chloroform soaked over her nose and mouth! Simone's swordsmanship is no match for the sleepy fumes, and she falls into a deep sleep. The aristocrats have one this round, and the red masked heroine is not able to save French citizens from suffering.
Full sized can be downloaded here: http://sleepy-comics.deviantart.com/art/La-Seine-No-Hoshi-Chloroformed-467822668#comments