To my great delight I discovered that Comicsworld has a complete collection of Smash Comics although I was only interested in issues 42 to 89, because these are the editions that have Lady Luck stories. I have downloaded and read all 47 of these issues over the past three days. My quest to find KO's, bondage and carry scenes was almost completely thwarted until I came across issues 49 and 69. I have already posted scenes from #49, and here are the bondage gems to be found in #69. A great looking superheroine, but 95% of the time the story writing was very low grade. In this rare issue, she is investigating some con men who counterfeited a book by Charles Dickens and sold it to her father for $500. As she enters their workshop she is grabbed and a hood thrown over her head. She is then tied up. In 47 issues of Smash, this is the only bondage scene I found -- what a waste of a great looking costumed heroine. Still, a find is a find, so best thing to do: relax and enjoy.
Source: Comicsworld
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Aug 14, 2011