Starr Flagg, a CIA operative, was a most welcome creation of Magazine Enterprises, a jonny-come-lately publishing house during the twilight years of the golden age of comic books -- hence her career was short lived, too short lived. She was great to look at, and her writers had excellent instincts about the literary importance of damsels being in distress -- she constantly was. And not the usual stuff either -- gorilla attacks, body grabs, manhandling -- scenes not often shown in other books. She appeared in all twelve issues of "Manhunt" and in her own title for three issues - #5,#6, #7. Number seven was her swan song issue, and in hindsight it should have been no suprise that it was -- Wertham's book "Seduction of the Innocent" came out the same year and accused comic books of sexually seducing innocent teenage boys. That caused the Comic Book Code to come on the scene and mess up good girl art for nearly half a century to follow. She has five stories in issue #5 and pics below come from 3 of them. She is manhandled in one, knocked out in another and grabbed by a gorilla in the third. She always looked great. Enjoy.
Source: Golden Age Comics Downloads
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