Sheena #11 1st, 2nd and 3rd stories KO, peril

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Sheena is arguably the number one reason good girl art came on the scene so powerfully in the Golden Age of comics. She was the first sexy, "super-heroine", preceding Wonder Woman by 2 to 3 years (Her first appearance was in 1938). While possessing no super-powers, she commanded jungle animals by the dozen, could kill a 400 pound lion with her bare hands, swing from tree to tree as well as Tarzan, and could put a dozen bad guys to sleep with her right fist. On top of all that she was one of the sexiest looking jungle girls ever to grace a comic book. W. Morgan Thomas is credited with creating her adventures, but he is a pseudonym . . . no one knows his real name, but experts think it is Jerry Iger or Will Eisner, or possibly a team composed of both. She looks better than ever in this issue, although her stories and perils are a bit hackneyed . . . she falls into a river in two separate stories, and the bad guys in all three stories want to steal gold from the local tribes. In the first story the baddies are disguised as "fire-gods", and use flame throwing weapons to appear to be human torches. They manhandle Sheena and toss her into a crocodile infested river, but she escapes and returns to defeat them. In the second story, the baddies knock her off her horse (really a zebra) and again she falls into the river, and again she survives, and returns to the fray to defeat them. In the third story an elephant stampede knocks her down, but she lives to see the elephants destroy the baddies. Pics below show her manhandled by the weirdly dressed flame throwers, falling into the river twice, knocked out by a fist to her chin, and waking up during the elephant stampede. Have fun.
Source: GACD

Scene #


Oct 15, 2010
3,451 (72%)
Fiction House
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Nov 15, 2010
"Source: GACD" ?

What is GACD and can you post the link plz?

Nov 16, 2010
Happy to oblige. When you visit this website for the first time you will need to register, which means you enter in the space provided your username and your password. The site is absolutely free, and has many wonderful old comics available. Have fun!!

Nov 16, 2010
Always good to see pics of the enjoyable Sheena, a longtime favorite girl of mine.
Jun 15, 2012
Great cover. I bet that sold a few copies.