@Xenaphon The Amazon wasn't unconscious. But there was a scene where Jane was knocked unconscious by a falling branch and Tarzan carried her to the tree house. She was a blonde, while the Amazon had dark hair.
I can remember an unconscious Amazon. Tarzan rescued her and carried her back to her Amazon city. Then some bad hunters wanted to know where the city was. Tarzan wouldn't tell 'em, but Boy knew and he led them there. Tarzan had to go and rescue him.
Anyway, back to my Amazon. She probably had dark hair so the pic is likely to be Jane.
Perhaps Red could edit the record?
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Feb 15, 2013
Feb 15, 2013
Feb 15, 2013
Feb 20, 2013
Feb 20, 2013
Anyway, back to my Amazon. She probably had dark hair so the pic is likely to be Jane.
Perhaps Red could edit the record?