There are two gas scenes here. In the first a bunch of dudes are gassed by a rigged package.
Later, Suske and Wiske are gassed to sleep by an "alien" bot. They are taken aboard the ship while unconscious.
I included the entire story here because I find it interesting.
Bucky's dad manages to fall into a bottle of ether (what is a bottle of ether doing in a river anyway?).
A few thugs decide to rob him while he's unconscious.
Later on, Bucky overpowers the thugs with more ether.
A very interesting Disney story from the 40...
Bucky Bug searches for his girlfriend, June Bug, who has been kidnapped.
He finds her in the bad guy's lair, bound and gagged.
Bucky overpowers a thug and gags him!
Minnie Mouse is given the cloth in this old Disney comic!!! Proof that ANYONE can get chloroformed. Man I love this scene. Special thanks to the person who found it (it was not me).
Contributed by scarface (from AVGDID)