This is a reprint of some Superman story. Kind of brutal, a monster throws a rock at a girl named Misty. It looks like she's dead, but she comes back to life.
Fiche quality. Sandra Knight gets head KO'd in the first part. As Phantom Lady, she is subdued but the KO is very brief.
Contributed by Suicide (
Dutch. The scene first starts off with Susan getting head KO'd and waking up some time after.
Later, she's kidnapped. Included are all her bound and gagged scenes.
Dutch. Sam is the name of the main girl. She's like a mechanic of some sort. In this scene, someone accidentally kicks the door behind Sam, knocking her out. She's carried for a bit before waking up. Nice scene.
Dutch. There's two parts. In the first part, page 14, the woman is punched in the stomach. Not KO'd, but it's for the stomach KO fans.
Next, she is gun butted in the head. We get some nice unconscious shots.