One of the last episodes of the season. Jean grey has been captured by the inner circle. Wolverine remembers how Jean was kidnapped. Jean wakes up in an abandoned castle.
Pretty good episode with lots of unconscious shots of Jean.
Scene 1:
They get in a car accident and Jean is unconscious in the car. Arch Angel takes her away, back to Sinister's lab.
Scene 2: Couple of unconscious shots of her in the lab.
Scene 3: she faints after briefly turning in to the phoenix
Scene 4...
This was a great episode, Emma Frost aka the White Queen get's knocked out a couple of times.
Scene 1:
Jean, gives off a psychic blast knocking out anyone in the new york area.
Scene 2: their car crashes, emma is shown unconscious in the vehicle a couple of times.
scene 3: when they go in to rescue jean, som...
Bobbi Anne Morse, before she became Mockingbird, had a one-issue career as "The Huntress", here getting, ko'd, OTS-carried and roughed up, before winning a tough fight. Marvel changed her super-identity when DC threatened to sue!
A great lost classic from the fantastic "Diversions of a Groovy Kind" blog..any fan of ...