Snopske gets ko'd and tied to a rock by some devil guy that seems to re-occur in this artist's work a whole lot.
Source: De wereld van strips - blog
Snopske the main girl of the comic is kidnapped by some thugs with chloroform on hand. They take her to their boss where they strap her down and form mind control serum down her throat to control her. Really good scene.
Source: De wereld van strips - blog
Yes the title of this comic is hilarious but its not a porn mag. It's simply a short version of the name of the main character Titske.
A masked woman is caught by the bad guy, pistol whipped and tied up to a firey fate.
Later Titske finds a girl named Elisa who was trussed up in a closet in the same issue.
From SW v1 10#
SW fights a masked villain named Gipsy Moth.
Moth has some powers wich she can control the fibers of the dresses, and use them to wrap some damsels and SW too. Then the heroine fall in the swimpool but eventually free herself. In the fight SW's lover hit Moth with a gun, and the damsel fall unconscio...
Power Girl is fighting Satanna who plants some kind of weapon on her chest which kills her from the inside. Power Girl grows weaker and weaker and she may not be completely unconscious but she is in definite peril! Continued next month!
Kim's sidekick, Ron is hit by a big alien warrior and collides into Kim which knocks her out. Her unconscious body is then held up for display by the alien and his companion. When Ron wants to fight again, he throws her body aside. Kim wakes up when Ron taps into some special power.
Supergirl encounters some people who she thinks she knows but can't remember. Eventually it gets too much for her and she faints. She wakes up in the next issue under a pile of ruble.
Supergirl is fighting a bunch of insects with her ally who gets in trouble. When she tries to help him she is subdued by the insects but how is not shown. She wakes up later, restricted, by the Insect Queen.
Shego is fighting an alien female warrior, Warmonga, who throws her right through a big object which knocks her unconscious. Warmonga then retrieves her unconscious body and holds it for display.
Some scene captures from Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths.This is a new straight to DVD release in which the Justice League are up against their evil mirror universe counterparts, and the mirror universe Lex Luthor is a hero!
There are a ton of fights and knockouts in this one, this is only a sampling.
Jinal Ne Comarr , on a mission to bring order to a lawless and violent planet, is captured by the outlaw king Zhengla and defeated in hand-to-hand combat..from a 4-issue DC miniseries that was never followed up..a shame!
Source: some blog
Sheena gets knocked out (again...I think the Jungle HMO would have denied her coverage at this rate..) and comes to on a raft, about to be fed to man-eating lions...just another day in the Fiction House jungle, in other words!
Source: GACD