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This time she chloroformed off-panel, but there is a nice wake up scene... By the way, I wonder if she is a relative of Dale Arden.... Source: old digital comics
Feb 05, 2014 2 1
A police officer gets lured and chloroformed by a recently corrupted one. Source:
Jan 31, 2014 6 1
Yui Ichii (from Yuyu-Shiki) get chloroformed and wake up bound and blindfolded. She wakes up again and remember what happened later. Source:
Jan 26, 2014 12 4
A nice, yet short, chloroforming for the cute Tomoko Kuroki (Its Not My Fault That I'm Not Popular). Source:
Jan 23, 2014 6 3


Source: Original
Jan 21, 2014 5 1
Original art I made that is based on Ed Coutt's famous Femforce cover. Download full sized version on my deviantArt page:
Jan 18, 2014 4 2
From an early 70's revival of Mar Revelo's classic 'Darna'....according to the blogger, here the famed Phillipina superwoman comes up aainst two monsters who also have the power of the mystic stone. Extra star for rarity.. Source: blog
Jan 12, 2014 0 7
Nikki...the 'Model' of the title gets the tables turned on her by some thugs she is pursuing. This series was popular enough to spawn a made-for-tv movie. Source: blog
Jan 12, 2014 1 3
Two girls drink some tea and eventually fall asleep. Also a girl is choked out. Source: Manga
Dec 30, 2013 5 5
The girl is getting her dainty nose where she shouldn't and a crook decides to take her down... and out Source: old comics
Dec 29, 2013 3 1
A story too dark to be described.. that is Hakaba for you. A mother chloroforms her daughter. Source:
Dec 29, 2013 12 3
The cover to the final issue of this crossover between the Rocketeer and the Spirit. I believe the beautiful raven haired girl is called Betty, not sure on the pretty blonde though. Classic Damsel scenario on the cover. Gorgeous.
Dec 21, 2013 1 1
Here, Jungla is minding her own business, swinging through the tress, when her vine gets cut. Still dazed from the fall, she gets netted, club ko'd and drugged with a serum to make her docile..eventually, she comes to to find herself the VIP guest of a Virgin Sacrifice. Source: blog
Dec 08, 2013 6 9
A dark elf gets a cloth dosed in a parlyzing medicine. In psudo-chloro fashion. Source:
Dec 06, 2013 5 2
Everyone's favorite half-naked Martian Princes continues her knack of getting into, she's sucked through a portal into the future, where she meets her (equally hot) descendant. After almost drowning for a second time, Deja gets her memory of the experience erased from her memory...leaving her alies be...
Dec 03, 2013 10 8
Here Jungla (apparantly that was her real name!), a sexy Euro Jungle Girl from the 1970's, gets clonked while snooping and chucked in a cargo hold. The book is in French , but the style looks like the Italian Fumetti artists, making me think this a reprint. Source: blog
Nov 27, 2013 2 5
A red lantern female is chained along with her companions. Source: Comic gallery
Nov 26, 2013 1 1
A commission from Ryusei Hikari. May do a follow up at some point. Source: Commission
Nov 17, 2013 5 1
Captain america finds an unconscious Invisble Woman on board a skrull ship Source: bluray Video:
Nov 15, 2013 1 14
To me this is a real gem! Found it on the Marvel Wiki. Not sure what the story line is. Will try to get my hands on the issue Source: marvel wiki Other images: * What If #29 * Earth 616
Nov 14, 2013 3 3
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