Rulah menaced by, in succession, an evil imposter, blinding lights in a hidden temple, and an amorous ape who seems to have 'jungle-girls-in-bondage' fetish. But, the Jungle Queen bounces back..she winds up saving the imposter and saving the day.
Source: Digital Comics Museum
A direct hit on a Cobra spacecraft sends the Baroness (Anastasia DeCobray) flying into a crate, knocking her unconscious. The fake Cobra Commander, whom she's been controlling in return for not revealing his identity, lifts her into her chair - but other affairs also require his attention.
Source: Digital copy of co...
The story is my own personal work. Created using XPS and Photoshop. Model is Asuka Kazama from the game "Tekken Tag Tournament 2" and Momiji from the game "Ninja Gaiden 3". I forgot who port these girls as an XPS model but I'm sure it's someone on DeviantArt. In this story, Asuka receive a critical hit from Momiji and ...
Serpentor has captured the Baroness (Anastasia DeCobray) and tied her to the front of his vehicle, presumably in an effort to persuade the other Cobra members not to fire on him.
Source: Digital copy of comic