A girl in a church while trying to stay awake fall unconscious, due to drinking drugged tea. She awake shackled to a chair with cuffs.
We don't see her drinking it.
Source: g.e-hentai.org
Girl with black hair pigtails is chloroformed from behind while making a phone call.
Full title: (C83) [Alice no Takarabako (Mizuryu Kei)] MC Gakuen Go Jigenme
Source: g.e-hentai.org
Sonja, bathing in a stream, is bopped on the head by a crazed diciple of a dark god...she comes to trussed up, in a pentagram, with mystic runes scribbled on her body...boy, did this nut pick the wrong girl..
Source: blog
A personal fave...in what turned out to be her last issue, Samuree is entranced by an evil undead Japanese warrior. No ko is this one...just some nice peril art.enjoy!
Source: blog
Power Girl revives after a ko, and finds Huntress and Robin still down for the count..the ko, in the previous issue ,was off-panel, if any of you were wondering..
Source: blog
Camilla electrocuted out...and carried off by a Nazi commander leading mutant gorillas! They just don't do peril like they used to! Cool stuff from 1943 thanks to Digital Comics Museum..
Source: Digital Comics Museum
A short scene from a Palcomix comic with Ruki and Kari from Digimon getting chloroformed in bed.
Naughty aftermath, so no post here :)
Source: g.e-hentai.org
In a chapter of Rave Master which unfortunately never made it into the anime, the Blue Guardians were on a quest to kidnap Elie.
However, instead of Elie, they managed to nab Nagisa, the daughter of the Liberation Army. After failing to pass the new girl off as Elie, Branch was ordered to torture her in order to ge...
I drew this. A cute girl in the process of fainting at the sight of a mouse .... eyes rolled up in her head, body starting to go limp.
I have learned to draw "photorealistically" although I've only recently started to learn anatomy and other fundamentals of drawing so that I can not only draw what I see, but unders...
Amanda "Weeping Willow" Drutch with pre-hensile hair is sleep darted.
A few pages later Gwen "Aphrodisiac" Summers gets a rather unmanly punch to the nose, and then a good-night knee to the solar plexus.
Source: cbr