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Vampirella has defeated and bitten Mary Marvel! A really sexy piece commissioned by someone and done by artist Frank Brunner Source: Frank Brunner art website
Sep 15, 2012 6 1
2 page spread showing the New Avengers knocked out.
Sep 15, 2012 0 1
Several of the Avengers Academy kids are knocked out when they fall through a hole from a building explosion. Source: comic
Sep 15, 2012 0 1
Another mad scientist and more peril for poor Axa! This time, they want to turn her into a human robot...she's rescuced at the last minute by her faithful Robot companion. More B&W goodness from the master artist, Enrique Romero.. Source: blog
Sep 14, 2012 5 2
Uh-oh...Axa fed to a flesh-eating plant..unfortunately for the plant, she's rescued at the last minute by her boyfriend! Not sleepy, but much plant-encasement peril.. Source: blog
Sep 12, 2012 5 4
Emma Frost is knocked out by Daredevil while trying to flee from a prison transport.
Sep 12, 2012 0 1
Dark Supergirl knocks out the female Flash, Robin and Catwoman. Then WW comes along and defeats Supergirl, giving the others time to recover. Good view of the unconscious Catwoman. There's also a small bondage scene featuring dark Supergirl, viewing her from the back.
Sep 11, 2012 5 6
Brainiac chokes Supergirl and turns her into evil, dark Supergirl. No KO's but it's peril.
Sep 11, 2012 5 5
On the cover, Scarlet Witch is held unconscious by Magneto. Inside, she is sleeping in a coma (in the nude, for some reason).
Sep 10, 2012 1 2
Here, Axa gets captured by Engineers in her attempts to aid the downtrodden 'Mechanics'. Her altruistic antics get her in some sleepy peril...and in a page from a later story, Axa gets bearhugged by a grotesque mutant. Enrique Romero's b& w panels more than make up for plots as skimpy as Axa's wardrobe! Source: blog...
Sep 10, 2012 4 7
A girl wearing a ballet leotard visits a doctor. The doctor gives the girl something to drink, which causes her to pass out. Once the girl is fast asleep, the creepy doctor brings out his camcorder... Found by musdy.
Sep 08, 2012 8 4
New 52 Supergirl in hanging from a lamp post by her cape. She is dangling there unconscious, apparently left there by the villain Superman is fighting. Source: DC Solicitations This is from Superman v3
Sep 08, 2012 2 1
Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld is unconscious and held up by her collar by an enemy. Source: DC Solicitations
Sep 08, 2012 1 1
Valkyrie with the Secret Avengers unconscious at the feet of a group of new villains Source: Marvel Solicitations
Sep 08, 2012 1 1
Male Female


In this American compilation of the newspaper strip, Axa first gets hit on the head by an apeman, who carries her off..and in the second episode, is tranquiliZed by a 'Controller' who carries her off as well...another strange mix of feminist dialog and good girl art..only in the 80's! Source: blog
Sep 08, 2012 6 6
In the first issue, Calla is shown strapped to a chair with a her eyes forced open. In the next issue, a doctor injects her with a needle. Later, Sana and Wheeler are shown strapped to some wheelchairs. A man comes in and injects Sana, although its not shown. Finally, Sana is shown with her eyes forced open.
Sep 07, 2012 3 5
Cover for New 52 Batgirl 14. The new Joker stands over an unconscious Batgirl Source: Comic previews
Sep 07, 2012 7 1
Sorry about the newpaper strip format for this one. Axa, her faithful Robot Marc and her boyfriend Matt investigate a future Disneyland-like theme park, and, unsurprisingly, unearth the sinister motives of the park's founder. Axa ditches her iconic bikini in this one for a little black disco outfit..I'm sure it won't...
Sep 06, 2012 1 12
Female Female


Kate Bishop (the teen female Hawkeye) knocks out a female thief in her dressing room in order to steal her costume.
Sep 05, 2012 1 2
Random pages showing girls unconscious. This manga has a lot of them!
Sep 03, 2012 6 6
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