A girl is minding her own business inside a martial arts dojo. A group of young guys taser her from behind and plan to molest her. In a brutal scene that follows, another male comes and rescues her, brutally beating all the attackers.
* Sexy girl is shown in arm carry on the cover.
* She gets beaten up by another girl in the story.
* Same girl later injects herself with something causing her to pass out.
A woman is kidnapped by a gang of thugs, aboard the back of a pickup truck. They start to take off her clothes. She's rescued though. In a later scene, the same woman is knocked out from behind, though we don't see it.
A fun little mini comic that appeared at the end of this volume. Some girl gets bound and gagged with measuring tape while nude. There is some nudity in this.
* Girl wakes up in a cage.
* Girl is unconscious carried down some stairs.
* Girl is knocked out via unknown method, and tied up with another girl (brief bondage).