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A bunch of girls in bikinis discover an unconscious pirate girl washed up on a beach. There's a great panel showing the pirate girl sleeping. The sleeping girl also has a headband wrapped around one of her eyes.
Jul 20, 2012 2 5
Kido Karin drinks herself to sleep at a bar. Her boyfriend has to 'piggyback' carry her all the way home! The scene is notable for the amount of sleepy shots of the girl, as her boyfriend attempts to carry her through the street.
Jul 20, 2012 8 12
A tough looking female elven is beaten into submission (once with a kick to her stomach I might add). She is taken prisoner aboard a ship. The bad guys use her black headband as a gag. There's even a scene showing her furry companion bound and gagged. Great scene for bondage fans.
Jul 20, 2012 7 11
There are two female nurses going at it in this scene. The nurse with glasses seems to be the boss. She slaps the younger nurse for making some kind of mistake. The younger nurse apologizes. When the boss nurse turns away, an anesthetic gas mask is placed over her nose and mouth! The mask is connected to two tanks la...
Jul 20, 2012 6 4
A girl with long red hair, wearing a skirt and black long sleeve shirt, sits on a swingset at night. A pair of thugs approach her from behind, and quickly chloroform her. The next page immediately shows her wide awake, bound and gagged. One of the thugs threatens her with a knife, and then uses it to cut her clothing...
Jul 20, 2012 12 5
Here there is a cover with Green mask carrying an unconscious girl in a strapless gown with tied hands..... Another cover has a guy defending a fainted girlfrom a giant lizard.... The Flame saving a harem-clad girl from inside a bottle... Three covers of Samson saving unconscious damsels, and one cover of a nake...
Jul 20, 2012 2 8
Fantastic sleepy artwork in the latest Dejah Thoris series! The first page shows a groggy Dejah Thoris waking up from a nightmare. It's a decent wake up scene. The final page of the issue shows an explorer encountering a cave filled with unconscious women in glass tubes.
Jul 19, 2012 4 3
Dr. Chase Meridian is knocked out with an injection and then placed bound and gagged inside a tube.
Jul 19, 2012 4 6
A piece of art I commissioned and was drawn, inked and colored by: I loved his own Storm drawing so much, I just had to commission him: It is my favorite costume for her by far. The white just makes her so pure. As you...
Jul 19, 2012 5 2
This is officially the most disappointing scene of 2012. This is a continuation of the scene we got a few months back where Dream Girl and Braniac 5 were kidnapped. Dream Girl appears unconscious on the cover, in the grasp of the alien's hands. Some other Legionnaires are also unconscious. In the issue, Dream Girl t...
Jul 18, 2012 4 5
Female Female


A group of people get knocked out with tranquilizer darts and kidnapped.
Jul 18, 2012 3 3
Centella is an original superheroine designed by station_k. The costume she is wearing in this piece is a blue leotard with blue boots, blue mask and a cape. I drew a scene with Centella being carried unconscious, by my now infamous shadow demon. This bad guy looks nasty...I wouldn't mess with him! It's a fun little...
Jul 17, 2012 8 2
Jessica Drew (aka Spider-woman) is knocked out in a violent way. There is a POV shot of her passing out. In Ultimate Doom #1, she wakes up bound to an examination table of some sort. I found this scene posted on
Jul 17, 2012 0 2
I found this scene around 2006 I think, on the Slumberville forums. I don't know who the artist is. The filename said "Sandman", so I am going with that. The scene shows a guy in sunglasses, placing an anesthesia mask over a blonde girl's nose and mouth. The mask delivers a nice dose of sleeping gas to the girl, causi...
Jul 17, 2012 11 5
I know it's only a peril cover, but I thought the damsel (Star Sapphire) looked sexy in this. The subtitle says "The Predator!", and it shows Star Sapphire held captive with a chain leash. If you look closely, other Lanterns are chained in the background.
Jul 17, 2012 2 2
The scene starts in issue #39, where Kendra (aka Hawkgirl) is shown unconscious and with a grave leg injury. She wakes up and screams in pain. She gets treated and is okay...until the end of the issue where she turns into a werewolf type monster. Hawkman beats her down, only to realize his mistake. Issue #40 shows Haw...
Jul 17, 2012 3 6
This is cover art I came across while searching for another Hawkman scene. The cover depicts an enraged Hawkman flying over some unconscious JSA members. One of the unconscious members is Power Girl, who is lying prominently on the lower left.
Jul 17, 2012 2 2
Drunk woman comes home and eventually falls asleep. Source: passed out, sleep.
Jul 17, 2012 3 5
I think this scene offers a little something for everybody. Captain Kid is a mainstream adventure manga, about the captain of a pirate ship. He frequently encounters damsels in distress. Volume 1 had a ton of great shots. There are images of girls being arm carried and OTS carried. One scene towards the end involves ...
Jul 16, 2012 3 13
From a mainstream manga, that's drawn in a very cute style. The girl here is dressed in an elaborate maid outfit. In a scene I don't quite understand, she is knocked out with sleeping gas by special forces police. We get some good unconscious shots of her. The last panel shows her in a coffin bed...with Adolf Hitler...
Jul 16, 2012 5 4
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