There's plenty of unconscious arm carries in this volume. Two different girls are unconscious. They are both featured on the cover.
The color splash page that introduces this volume has a good arm carry as well.
From the author of 'Peridot'. The girl in this scene is an off duty police officer, I believe. In page #1 we see her wearing a really skimpy uniform as part of some fun event. I thought it was cute.
Next we see the woman alone on some street. I think she's supposed to meet someone, which is why she's checking her phon...
From the author of 'Peridot'. There are some decent scenes in this volume.
First, we see a girl being held by knife point. Some guys tries to assult her. Her arms are bound behind her by what appears to be her own jacket. The bad guy somehow restrained her that way.
Next we have two nice panels showing sleeping girls....
Haven't posted a male KO scene in a while. This one was a decent find. Airboy is seen fighting some ultra nationalist Japanese soldiers, who wield samurai swords. He's knocked out from behind.
When Airboy wakes up, his hands are bound and he is prepped for some initiation routine. Luckily he escapes.
His girlfriend Y...
I highly encourage everyone to purchase Empowered vol. 7 by Adam Warren. I am even going to post the link (non-affiliate):
There's a great knockout scene in the first story featuring Ninjette. We first see the aftermath: Ninjette is unconsc...
The cover has a nice bondage scene featuring a chained heroine (Pris, I think is her name). There's a brief knockout scene in the issue too. Good art style.
Talk about a lucky and awesome find! A sexy blonde haired girl is walking home after doing some shopping. A car quickly pulls up, and a ninja comes out and chloroforms the girl. There's only one panel.
The follow up is great though. The girl lies sleeping on a bed, wearing a black dress (they changed her clothes while...
Very nicely colored comic cover, done in a painting style. You can see the damsel's face clearly, but the rest of her body is hidden. I wish we could see more of her body.
The girl doesn't appear in the issue either. Wonder who she is?
Jonah Hex rescues a female gunslinger (named Tallulah Black), who was thrown out of the second floor window of a casino.
I didn't expect to find this scene in this issue. The woman herself is not named. The casino seemed to be run by a "Bruce Wayne" like character.
The woman wears an eye patch, and isn't the greates...
A hentai series that features girls sleeping (warning though, it's another explicit series...if you go looking for it).
Keywords: catgirls, neko, bunny girl, regular girl.
Found by musdy
A girl in a bikini is given a drugged drink during a photoshoot.
Full title from Nangoku ZuruZuru Sex (COMIC Megastore-H 2012-05)
Found by musdy.
This set of images seems chaotic. The basic story is that the blonde haired woman (I don't know her name), gets kidnapped and then rescued. The English language scan contains dialogue of her explaining how she was kidnapped.
Miu gets knocked out by a villain who chokes her. She's carried around in a pretty chaotic fight scene. You don't see too many shots of her face. There are lots of great pinups of her in this volume too.
A female motorcycle mechanic has a little too much to drink, and passes out.
Later, her boyfriend has fantasy thoughts about her being tied up by a pervert.