Mexican pulp comic that has tons of peril covers, mostly featuring a Native American girl. This set is only the general arm carry covers. Yes, I had to split up this batch because it was so big.
Keywords: pulp, indian, cowboys, western.
Mexican pulp comic that has tons of peril covers, mostly featuring a Native American girl. This set is only the general peril covers. Yes, I had to split up this batch because it was so big.
Keywords: pulp, indian, cowboys, western.
Another Mexican pulp comic that has tons of peril covers, mostly featuring a Native American girl. This set is only the bondage covers. Yes, I had to split up this batch because it was so big.
Keywords: pulp, indian, cowboys, western.
Various covers of this pulp comic book from Mexico. There's bondage, arm carries and general peril scenes for your viewing pleasure.
A couple of ko's from relatively late in Sheena's peril-prone career, that I don't believe have appeared here before (or at least they don't show up in the index!)...
Source: digital comics museum
Great double KO from the latest issue of Catwoman. Two prostitutes approach a suspicious van. After the two girls laugh off the driver, he shoots them both with tranquilizers. The girls are knocked out instantly. Very good look at the redhead's face as she sleeps.
In the next issue, Catwoman and her ally Spark notice ...
Girl is chloroformed by a guy named Kuze. She doesn't seem to like the guy, I wonder why?
Don't know what this manga is called. Please help identify it!
Found by MoryoX.
Girl is chloroformed at an Information Center. A guy in a bunny suit seems to be involved.
No idea what manga this is. Please help identify it.
Found by MoryoX