The main girl in this comic has numerous panels featuring her sleeping. I saved the good ones. Minor nudity.
Very sexy manga! This author really delivers.
Author: YUZUKI Hikaru
A nurse gets chloroformed by a perv hiding in the bushes. He tries to take off her panties.
Included a few other pinups and sleepy scenes I found in the same volume.
Author: YUZUKI Hikaru
Avengelyne is captured during a fight, when one of the bad guys sneaks behind her and injects her in the neck.
She wakes up in shackles in the back of a van.
Guy follows girl into classroom, gives her the cloth and does some things to her that I can't show.
tags: doujin, hentai, schoolgirl
Extra title info: (COMIC1☆6) [HIGH RISK REVOLUTION (Aizawa Hiroshi)]
The Black Cat is struck with a sleeping dart while driving in disguise. At first, she thinks it's a mosquito. The dart knocks her out (off panel), and she wakes up in her catsuit, bound with chains.
She's rescued in the same issue.
Part of the plot involves Goji the dragon switching bodies with Ana, the purple haired girl.
When the young redhead, Carol, sees this transformation, Goji/Ana has to tie Carol up. Carol gets gagged with a piece of red cloth (a rarity these days ^_^).
Angel meanwhile has a flashback to the time she was rescued in issue...
Quite possibly Angel's greatest scene ever. The name of the story is actually "Damisela en Desgracia", which is Spanish for "Damsel in Distress". Quite a fitting title, as pretty much every page has bondage in it.
Anyway, Angel is all suited up to go investigating (not sure what, but she needs "evidence"). She has a l...
Two silly little scenes. On the cover, Angel looks to be tangled in some yarn, while cosplaying as a cat girl.
Inside, her younger cousin Carol ties her to a tree, just for fun though.
Insanely sexy cover featuring a female version of Mowglii, the protagonist of the original Jungle Book stories. I guess this is the modern Zenescope retelling of Kipling's works.
For completeness sake, I included a preview of issue #4.