Three women and a little boy get tied up and gagged after being held hostage by some bad guys. They're then brought back to their friends and family and shoved into a van.
If anyone has a clue what kind of gags they're wearing, post it in the comments. I've never seen this kind of OTN gag before.
Source: Mangafox
During a scuffle Batwoman accidentally injects Captain Maggie Sawyer with a drug. (It's derived from Scarecrow's fear gas; Chase later says "She'll experience a month's worth of nightmares crammed into eight hours.")
F/M knockout scene in the same issue: Agent Chase KOs a truck driver with a pipe.
Art by Amy Reeder....
Following an explosion at the end of the previous issue, Booster Gold is seen carrying unconscious Fire. (She's later stated to be in a coma.) Batman carries Godiva, who wears a respirator mask of some kind. Vixen is discovered unconscious and severely injured; Ice is found apparently semi-conscious with her legs broke...
This manga follows a similar theme to Iogi Juichi's other works. Girl is a sorceress, fights demons, etc. There's some panels showing her sleeping/unconscious, and in bondage/peril. General stuff.
There's a bit of nudity in this scene, but I think the Author (Iogi Juichi) does a tasteful job at drawing nude girls, so I allowed this. THis scene in particular has a nice panel with a girl sleeping.
His stories all involves girls who specialize in fighting demons and monsters...but I think they are horrible at thei...
Two scenes: 1. A panel showing a girl with glasses, bound and gagged.
2. A blonded haired woman is kidnapped by a shadowy figure. He handgags her, which causes her to pass out. Almost thought I had a chloro scene.
Author: Iogi Juichi
This whole scene involves Dream Girl and Braniac getting kidnapped by an alien force. An alien mercenary captures Braniac first (he was their target), and Dream Girl tries to stop it. The alien wraps Dream Girl in its tenticles, which causes her to pass out.
The two Legionnaires are taken to the alien base, where one ...
From, which is Sofyan's deviantart page.
He's got a zombie themed comic project in the works. This is the cover, done in acrylic paint! Very talented guy.
A scene from an old swedish comic album. A girl is tied to a chair as part of a school play. She's then gagged by some of the actors when she starts spouting off-script lines that have nothing to do with the play.
Source: An old album of mine