Batwoman's sidekick Bette Kane a.k.a. Flamebird is kidnapped by the Cutter. Her hands are tied behind her back and there is a piece of tape over her mouth.
Detective girl Akira Shirase is chloroformed again. She has dyed her hair a lighter red. In this scene, she is investigating a crime scene, when she's suddenly chloroformed from behind. No one is around to see this of course. The bad guy takes off her kimono and "does things" (I haven't actually cut anything out, this ...
In this Brazilian MOTU comic, Teela is kidnapped and sucked into another dimension. When He Man finds her and Man at Arms they are bound in some kind of webbing.
Source: forum
Teela is hand gagged and knocked out by Grizzlor. The unconscious Teela is then carried away by Evil Horde thugs. She is trapped in the Slime Pit but rescued by He-Man later in the issue. The issue also features an action poster of Evil Lyn standing over an unconscious Teela.