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Voodoo wakes up in mechanical restraints. She is later strapped onto an examining table.
Mar 08, 2012 4 4
A bit complicated but future Human Torch knocks out Jean Grey. Then current Reed Richards (I think) knocks out future Invisible Woman.
Mar 08, 2012 0 3
Jean Grey and Professor X pass out after using too much of their psychic powers.
Mar 08, 2012 0 2
Chanti is rescued when drops her unconscious body out of the sky. She is then taken to the hospital.
Mar 08, 2012 0 3
To continue where Teen Titans #5 left of, Superboy knocks out Solstice again. We also get a nice unconscious shot of Wonder Girl.
Mar 08, 2012 1 2
Wonder Girl and the Teen Titans, including Solstice are defeated by Superboy.
Mar 08, 2012 2 5
Supergirl is unconscious on the cover at the hands of Superman New 52 issue. Cover by George Perez
Mar 08, 2012 3 2
In continuation of the cover already posted, Supergirl wakes up only to find she's unable to get free and passes out again. She then wakes up again and with new strength, she frees herself.
Mar 08, 2012 5 5
Supergirl gets in a fight and is defeated. Her opponent holds her limp body and puts her on display against the wall.
Mar 08, 2012 5 4
Katana and The Looker are unconscious on the cover. Doomsday later beats Katana and takes The Looker out with a blast and holds her limp body.
Mar 08, 2012 1 4
Supergirl is unconscious on the cover. From "Reign of Doomsday"
Mar 08, 2012 0 1
Black Cat and Spider-Man have to fight robot clones. They take them on but the real Black Cat is knocked out by robot Spider-Man. The real Spider-Man then saves her but when confronted by the villain, Spider-Man lifts Black Cat's body and throws into the grinder, revealing it was the robot Black Cat. The real Black Cat...
Mar 08, 2012 2 4
Black Cat and Spider-Man are taken prisoner and gassed when a villain puts them in a box and gasses them.
Mar 08, 2012 2 2
Bleez is defeated in a fight against Atrocitus
Mar 08, 2012 1 3
In a dream, Deadman thinks he killed Dove. It looks great however.
Mar 08, 2012 2 1
First we see Starfire injured and unconscious. Next is the scene from the trailer of the game. Wonder Woman is knocked out by Circe and when Superman tries to save her, he is defeated through kryptonite hidden in Wonder Woman's mouth.
Mar 08, 2012 4 6
Charlotte Rivers is stabbed and passes out. Batman then tries to save her.
Mar 08, 2012 0 4
Exoristos is knocked out with a blow from the back.
Mar 08, 2012 2 2
Someone is unconscious on the cover. Does anyone know her name?
Mar 08, 2012 6 1
Great scans of this forgotten classic from 1950...the head ko is pretty hawt! Source: Digital Comic Museum
Mar 06, 2012 3 5
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