Cover to the new Tekken game on the Nintendo 3DS. Alisa Bosconovitch is shown unconscious. Found a very large scan.
I'm a big fan of this image, because it's an example of *good* mainstream sleepy art. You can see Alisa's face very well, and there is a very high level of detail due to the use of 3-D rendering. The wa...
Asuka Langley gets knocked out via a stun gun. There is a panel showing her unconscious and wrists bound.
Keywords: Asuka, tazer, stun gun, color, kidnapping
Kitten was Catman's sidekick for most of his 32 issue run from 1940 to 1946 . . . kind of like a female version of Robin. Unfortunately for us, she had very few DID scenes. though there are several good covers few of which were followed through with a good story inside. Issue #26 was an exception . . . even though ...
By request, the first, and only (to my knowledge) appearence of The Girl Phantom. No KO, so it's not really 'on-topic', but some nice peril, as here she gets lassoed, tackled and tied up. Art by the great Lee Faulk.
Source: blog
Tiger Girl, zapped by an electric shield, is clubbed senseless and carried off by her hair...more Golden Age Ficton House coolness from the indespensible Digital Comics Museum!
Source: Digital Comics Museum
Carry Cover from DC's 70's version of the classic pulp character The Shadow..I'm assuming the damsel in distress is his long-time female companion Margo Lane, but I could be wrong..
Source: blog