Until my recent attempt to find peril scenes in the golden age Miss Victory series, I wasn't aware of how scarce such scenes would be. After Bill Black's Americomics revival of her adventures in the 80's I thought he revived her because he was impressed with her golden age perils. How wrong I was. Story after story ...
I was looking for DID scenes of Miss Victory in Captain Aero Comics when I ran across these eye-catching scenes in an Alias X story (WW II is in full swing, and he is an undercover agent . . . kind of like a spy) "X" is at a masquerade ball when he sees a woman being terrorized on a nearby balcony. He tries to help h...
As our founder Red said recently sleepy scenes are becoming fewer and fewer to obtain. So with some apologies I offer these two pics from Captain Flight #5 published in 1944 by a little known publisher Four Star Publications. The cover scene is a very sexy girl, unidentified and not appearing inside the issue, being ...