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Sidney Savage knocks out a doctor through an injection and steals her clothes.
Dec 14, 2011 10 3
Male Female


Some big guy carries a naked and unconscious woman.
Dec 14, 2011 5 2
After breaking free, Ice is hit by a blast and knocked out.
Dec 14, 2011 1 4
Vixen and Fire are attacked by mud like creatures and knock them out. They then carry their unconscious bodies.
Dec 14, 2011 5 2
Caroline Baldwin is hit by a car and is knocked out.
Dec 14, 2011 0 2
Very small. The guy imagines the girl is going to get chloroformed on her date.
Dec 14, 2011 5 2
Thorn (AKA "Rose and Thorn"), is knocked out. Connor Hawke later finds her bound and tape-gagged in a closet.
Dec 08, 2011 4 4
Black Canary is shackled and gagged by slave-traders in the Middle East. Her wrists are chained and her gag is an OTM.
Dec 08, 2011 3 1
During a botched Teen Titans mission, Jesse Quick is knocked out with tranquilizer darts and Supergirl is taken out with a neuro-disrupting arrow.
Dec 07, 2011 2 2
Former Avengers member Moondragon is bound, gagged, and blindfolded with duct tape and hidden in Rick Jones' bathroom.
Dec 06, 2011 4 1
Male Female


Selina (Catwoman) is handcuffed and tape-gagged by a group of ninja. She is then carried to the back of a truck and driven off.
Dec 06, 2011 5 1
Scenes from the Season Finale of Justice League Season two. The enemies capture Wonder Woman. Earlier in the episode she get's blasted by a really big gun, but flash makes sure she lands softly. They were posted earlier but here are the bluray quality scenes. Source: bluray Video:
Dec 05, 2011 5 45
Wonder Woman get's KO'd by the son of Darkseid Source: bluray
Dec 05, 2011 0 5
Wonder Woman get's energy drained by parasite. KO not actually shown. Source: bluray Video:
Dec 05, 2011 5 21
Ann, Ka'anga's pretty-but-somewhat-dim-witted mate is in a whole world o'peril here..tied up and menaced by a panther on the cover; carried off by a machine-gun-wielding ape (!) on the splash page, and finally gassed into unconsiousness later in the story... Source: Digital Comics Museum
Dec 05, 2011 3 3
Sheena and Bob fed drugged drinks and set adrift, then the Jungle Queen escapes, only to be recaptured and caged. Classic Fiction House! Source: Digital Comics Museum
Dec 05, 2011 1 3
Female Female


During a prison break, a female security guard is bound, gagged and knocked out by Selina.
Dec 05, 2011 7 4
Great Arm carry scene from Justice League S02E15. Aquaman drowns wonder woman to win the fight. Source: bluray Video:
Dec 04, 2011 7 27
A possesed Wonder Woman get's knocked out by a chrystal. Source: bluray video:
Dec 04, 2011 4 62
Wonder Woman fights Wonder Girl from another dimension and get's knocked out. Great shot of her unconscious on the floor! Source: bluray video:
Dec 04, 2011 2 22
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