Scenes from the Season Finale of Justice League Season two. The enemies capture Wonder Woman. Earlier in the episode she get's blasted by a really big gun, but flash makes sure she lands softly.
They were posted earlier but here are the bluray quality scenes.
Source: bluray
Ann, Ka'anga's pretty-but-somewhat-dim-witted mate is in a whole world o'peril here..tied up and menaced by a panther on the cover; carried off by a machine-gun-wielding ape (!) on the splash page, and finally gassed into unconsiousness later in the story...
Source: Digital Comics Museum
Sheena and Bob fed drugged drinks and set adrift, then the Jungle Queen escapes, only to be recaptured and caged. Classic Fiction House!
Source: Digital Comics Museum
Great Arm carry scene from Justice League S02E15. Aquaman drowns wonder woman to win the fight.
Source: bluray
Wonder Woman fights Wonder Girl from another dimension and get's knocked out. Great shot of her unconscious on the floor!
Source: bluray