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Phoenix took down all the X-Men, including Storm. She's unconscious on the ground.
Jul 22, 2011 2 1
The blackbird crashed and Storm is unconscious inside. Too bad focus isn't on her.
Jul 22, 2011 0 1
Bobbi Anne Morse, before she became Mockingbird, had a one-issue career as "The Huntress", here getting, ko'd, OTS-carried and roughed up, before winning a tough fight. Marvel changed her super-identity when DC threatened to sue! A great lost classic from the fantastic "Diversions of a Groovy Kind" blog..any fan of ...
Jul 21, 2011 7 5
Storm get's knocked out twice in this episode. Both by sentinal blast. Scene could have been a 5 imho if her head had bended backwards.
Jul 20, 2011 2 18
Emma get's knocked out off screen and lies unconscious on the floor.
Jul 20, 2011 0 2
Kitty get's gassed by a ninja. Colors are faded cause it's a memore from Wolverine
Jul 20, 2011 1 10
Emma frost get's gassed by a ninja. Colors are faded cause it's a memore from Wolverine
Jul 20, 2011 0 9
Rogue cut's open a ninja star with a blade and it emits sleeping gas, causing her to loose consciousness.
Jul 20, 2011 0 9
Storm get's Head KO'd by a ninja. Colors are faded cause it's a memore from Wolverine Source: bluray
Jul 20, 2011 0 14
St. John Publications came out in 1953 with one of the best good girl art issues of the entire golden age -- it was a remake of an old star of the early 40's who appeared in Punch Comics as Rocketman and his sexy partner Rocket Girl. St. John renamed her Jet Girl and she was sexier than ever. In this, the second of thr...
Jul 19, 2011 0 7
Pretty good KO scene of the scarlet witch who first gets dropped from the sky, where there's a brief moment of her lying unconscious on the ground. Later she runs in to a force field, knocking herself out :) Source: bluray
Jul 19, 2011 0 16
Well even with 6 girls Megan's team stood no chance with Bullseye. Soyfan overloads your senses with this one. Source: Original art
Jul 19, 2011 4 1
2 teen detectives went to stop Kraven, they failed. Sorry ladies. Soyfan Sarif delivers the goods again.
Jul 19, 2011 2 1
Maike was captured and her boyfriend came to save her. But...he got beat up by a girl. Looks like Maike's man is as big of a loser as her. Soyfan rocking it again. Source: Original art
Jul 19, 2011 1 1
Megan thought she had found the perfect man. But no...he was working for the Nefaria the whole time. Maybe she should've stayed inside. Another by Wansworld. Source: Original art
Jul 19, 2011 6 1
Megan and Maike were taken out by Bullseye. Looks like they're taking a ride in his trunk. will it be their last ride? Wansworld did this one. Source: Original art
Jul 19, 2011 0 1
Poor megan. can't even enjoy prom night. Black mask showed up and took revenge on her for all her snooping. Wansworld with a great cover. Source: Original art
Jul 19, 2011 1 1
Megan discovered the mastermind behind all the crime in town. But nefaria made short work of her. Now he basks in his victory before her body is disposed of. A great piece by Powguerrero. Source: Original art
Jul 19, 2011 0 1
Bullseye stands over Maike and promises her a watery demise. A Powguerrero original. Source: Original art
Jul 19, 2011 0 1
Absorbing man takes out 2 teen detectives and gloats. Another Soyfan classic. Source: Original art
Jul 19, 2011 1 1
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