Mio Amao, the werewolf, try to get her promised reward for finding where Kaguya Kaga was hiding, by making babies with him!! (Kaguya is actually a boy dressed as a girl in a all demon girls school).
Nene and Tomoe stop her, and restrain her in a way fitting her species.
Source: anymanga.com
Maki, the conch shell working for Set group, is found bound and gagged with...kelp. then San is kidnapped by the Gyo brothers, maybe brainwashed. all set up by Akeno Shiranui's lesbian friend, Jupiter.
Source: anymanga.com
Mawari Zenigata get chloroformed by Kai Mikawa's henchman, to maintain the cover on San Seto being a mermaid.
A decent scene I say myself :)
Source: anymanga.com