Scene is really short, and it could have been so much better. Cute female character is seen walking alone, and you can see the shadow of a blackjack behind her. She's KO'd offpanel and wakes up to find her stuff stolen.
Included a panel where Daisy duck gasses some cops.
In this issue of Zatanna's own comic, she was accompanied with a demon to take a look into her past. As the dream ends, she wakes up to realize that she has been tied up. The sexy heroine finds herself tied to a bed and cleave gagged with rope over her mouth. She quickly breaks free. Would have been a 5-star scene if s...
from the short stories book by Kazurou Inoue, Aoi Destruction.
In Otone no Naisho, Otone's friend Sayo gets kidnapped by thugs hired to take down the samurai girl's Dojo. They show how pragmatic they are by simply ordering her to drop her sword or her friend is dead. Luckily her sword has its own free will.
Source: a...
Bulletgirl gets head ko'd twice in her skintight, one-piece outfit...this being "family friendly" Fawcett, nothing too extreme, and Bulletman, predictably, rescues her!
Source: Dgital Comics Musuem
Sheena gets run through the wringer in this classic scene from 1948. KO'd, tied up, strapped to a scafold, she's forced to run a gauntlet of angry tribesmen. Afterwards, her unconsious body is displayed for her cowed followers.
Source: Digital Comics Museum
A commision done by
Rowena is a character from the Pokemon movie Zoroark: Master of Illusions. she starts off as secretary to the main villian, but she ends up being an undercover reporter.
In this scene she goes looking for a scop but is knocked unconscious. Thus she's laying spra...