Sheena gets electrocuted and briefly trussed up by evil white treasure hunters. Some more classic stuff from the golden age of Fiction House.
Source: Digital Comics Museum
Sheena, my favorite blonde jungle girl, gets tossed into raging rapids, but gets revived by her faithful pet monkey, Chim. Great wake-up!
In an earlier story, she's conked on the head and chucked in a cage before escaping and bringing down some serious jungle whoop-ass...
Source: Digital Comics Museum
Carmine Infantino art highlights this nice scene of Spider Woman briefly paralyzed while battling 'The Needle', a supervillian with powers quite similar to the curvey anacharid crusader...
Source: blog
Saturn Girl (modeled on the WB cartoon version here) gets mentally overcome by a space alien in this fun take on the early Legion from 1998.
Source: blog
continue from Ch4, begin with a rescue scene by Hyun Si-woo, also we get to see a flash back by Sunwoo Bin near the end of the manga, remembering a girl being kidnapped
Han Hye Won, the heroine of this manhwa, get kidnapped to lure student gang leader Sunwoo Bin to rescue her, a brutal fight happens, some revelations happen,
Susan Kent is Jim Barr's girl friend and also Bulletgirl, partner crime fighter with Bulletman. The two are sent to investigate the murder of 3 bank robbers, and find themselves facing death by smoking . . . we've all been told smoking is hazardous to our health, but these ridiculous cigars are downright poisonous. Th...
Found this on Deviant Art. Great 3D render(?) shots of Supergirl. One of her unconscious another one of her in peril by a villain with kryptonite. Very life-like.
All credit goes to the artist:
Source: Deviant Art