Black Canary is touched by some woman's bare hands and is under some sort of trance after that and starts losing her mind. The others are captured. Batman then comes in and takes Canary into safety.
Sheena and Bob get captured , tied up and almost fed to a mound of man-eating (and,persumably, woman-eating) jungle ants....
It's interesting that the bad guys here are identified only as "Facists", rather than specificaly German or Japanese..even though the book appeared in 1943..that and the art style makes me think...
Sheena is nearly mauled to death by a dangerous jungle cat, but is saved at the last minute by a kindly doctor.
In a page from "The Hawk" in the same issue, Velvet, the ship's sexy first mate gets ko'd by a sneaky vagabond who plots to bring the ship to Japan (yeah, it was wartime, and if anyone is offended by peri...
In what will most likely go down as a classic, Zatanna is shown bound and tape gagged in this late issue of DC Comics' 'Power Girl'.
Description from user Cantapatucha:
'You might think Power Girl and Superman would be more than up to the task of taking down a few dozen dinosaurs - but we forgot to mention they were m...
Sue is being held captive by Dr. Doom who's planning to blow them up. They loose consciousness and wake up at a marine boat. Later on in the ep she faints after overusing her powers.
Source: dvd
Great scene from Avengers V1 #202, where the scarlet witch gets knocked out and kidnapped by an evil Iron Man, mindcontrolled by Ultron. I love that third panel - where she's unconscious and limp in his arm - arched back and all.
Great further unconscious panels of her throughout the comic.
Scene is already in ...
Madam Medusa gets knocked out twice in this episode
Video 1:
Video 2:
Camilla is one of my favorite jungle girls, although her stories are only really good every so often. This episode is fair. Two traders scheme to rob an elephant burial ground for its precious ivory tusks. Enroute to the sacred spot, one partner, wanting all the treasure for himself, knocks the other unconscious and...
Silver Banshee is losing consciousness due to the lack of oxygen.
Not really caring to much for her appearance, but I love how she goes limp.
Powergirl gets knocked out by Lex Luthor and is thrown at Superman.
Scene is already in database. 1080p clip and screenshots added.
From the X-Men Messiah Complex. I believe this scene is somewhere in the database elsewhere under "White Queen". I added the missing panels and uploaded some better quality scans.
it's an awesome scene!
As I said many times before, Nyoka never disappoints. In this issue (#38) she appears in three separate stories. The first two are pretty boring, then WHAM, the third story is full of DID scenes, almost as if to make up for the lacklustre first two episodes. I have posted over twenty pics from this third story becau...