Storm gets slammed into an ice wall and looses consciousness. Later in the episode she quickly gets knocked out by quicksilver.
Video 2:
The Golden Avenger decides to go on a night on the town. Only to be jumped and defeated by king she's all his. her crime fighting days are over! No day off for this cutie!
Source: Original art
Laura has decided to go undercover in the world of Underground boxing. What the dear girl didn't anticipate is to face Ivan Drago in her first match! Cover blown, brains smashed! Great work by Soyfan.
Source: Original art
Cover of the comic with an unconscious Supergirl and Superman. I really wish this had a full body view of Supergirl unconscious. But oh well. I think it is still a pretty good cover.
Source: comic
Here, Vampi gets tricked by the minions of Chaos, drugged into unconsiousness, and placed in a tube filling up with human blood! More sleazy horror from the masters at Warren..
Source: blog
Some great panel art by the legendary Jose Gonzalez in this brief ko scene from 1975.
Source: blog
The first meeting between iconic characters Vampirella and Pantha from 1975. Yes, the writing is pretty bad, but the artwork, by the brilliant Jose Gonzalez, is breathtaking, imho. The splash page alone is worth an ext...