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A commission I got from cartoon girls on deviant art. The beautiful Jasmine defeated. Source: Original art
Feb 04, 2011 2 1
Light Lass never got a lot of "face time" in the classic era of the Legion...possibly because her "superpower" (making things lighter) wasn't exactly too formidable. It did provide the writers with lots of opportunities for her to be imperiled...usually getting rescued by her b/f Timber Wolf(a Wolverine knockoff, atua...
Feb 02, 2011 1 3
The legendary Steve Ditko's brief run on the Legion included this battle with Molecule Master, who is defeated by the combined forces of the Legionaires in a parallel-earth Smallville. Unfortunately, his disintegration hits with the force of several atomic bombs, leaving the heroic teenagers stunned and at the mercy of...
Feb 02, 2011 1 5
Kit West, six-gun gal of the wild west, gets captured, forced to do chores for the Owlhoot Gang, pretends to faint and gets threatened with a whipping...fortunately Kit is saved and brings the Owlhoots to justice. Great stuff from the pre-code GGA golden age! Source: Digital Comics Museum
Feb 02, 2011 1 3
OTM gagged Source: Raw
Feb 01, 2011 8 2
Cavewoman battles a troll. Source: Comic
Jan 29, 2011 11 5
Saturn Girl recovers from her electrocution the previous issue, Duo Damsel is bound, and then we have a couple of Phantom Girl KO's. Source: Comic Source: Comic
Jan 29, 2011 1 6
Saturn Queen gets KO'd. Source: Comic
Jan 29, 2011 2 1
Another commission I got from Soyfan, this one it's a teen detective knocked-out by Batman villain Black mask. Why she's in her underwear not Source: Original Art Full size:
Jan 28, 2011 10 1
I got this commissioned. I love super heroines but I also love Nancy Drew teen detective types. So in this image 2 teen detectives have been foiled by the evil old man. And by foiled I mean got their asses kicked. It's kind of like if a scooby-doo teen detective show from the 70's had a unhappy ending. The Old man was ...
Jan 28, 2011 10 1
#8 is the last issue of Dragonfly. Her saga never gets the finishing touches it needs. Following the murderous death of her alter ego, Nancy Arazello, she finds herself in some kind of "limbo" place between real existence and non-existence. Some kind of guide takes her around and shows her how to visit other places. ...
Jan 27, 2011 4 7
Bondage, Gagged Source:
Jan 27, 2011 3 5
A few commision pieces I found on the net...any info on artists, dates, etc would be welcome... Not usually into the "playing to the fetish" artwork..much prefer the 'unintentional' stuff that springs up in comics..but one or two of these are extraordinary.. Source: website
Jan 26, 2011 13 5
Huntress tazered out by a mercenary crime syndicate. Not sure I like this ineration of the costume, but the cover is cool.. Source: Comicsworld
Jan 26, 2011 2 2
Supergirl and Mary Marvel attempt to stop Sargon the Sorcerer's plot to turn The Man of Steel evil. Invading his spacecraft, the girls take a beating, until Kara's lucky decision to push the "big red button"(why do they always install 'the big red button'?) blows up the ship...letting teeny-bopper Mary put some moves ...
Jan 26, 2011 3 6
Saturn Girl gets electrocuted, while Shadow Lass is gagged and KO'd by an arrow. Then Light Lass is strangled. A good issue this. Source: Comic
Jan 26, 2011 2 4
CW is beaten unconscious by Dracula. Source: Comic
Jan 26, 2011 9 5
In Dragonfly #7 the winged blue superheroine faces two perils simoultaneously, Psiborg, the robotic nemesis she met in issue #1 and a new super-villain called Kuromoko who appears to be an evil black shadow-spirit who has the spirit power of 1000 souls and can teleport people and objects anywhere in the universe simply...
Jan 25, 2011 3 7
Great scene from Spiderman and his amazing friends where firestar get's gassed unconscious by some of the red skulls goons. Video:
Jan 25, 2011 5 16
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