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Phantom Girl is hit in the head by a rock. She wakes up later in the sick bay.
Dec 10, 2010 0 3
Female Female


Hessa is a hot female Nazi but never gets knocked out. This time she knocks out a female nurse with a neck pinch.
Dec 10, 2010 0 2
Again, unsure where I downloaded this from, but the Huntress is chained up in a dungeon. Source: Unknown
Dec 05, 2010 9 1
Pictues of the Enchantress unconscious and helpless. Not sure of the source, but probably Thor.
Dec 05, 2010 9 2
The girls of K3 develop super powers. As a result, they catch the eye of some evil group. The girls get gassed in their home and wake up tied up.
Dec 05, 2010 1 5
Sue Storm gets blasted by Klaw. I don't know which comic this was in, but probably the Fantastic Four. Source: Unknown
Dec 05, 2010 4 1
Crystal lies unconscious in this picture. I do not know the source, but it may well be from an issue of the Avengers. Source: Unknown
Dec 05, 2010 1 1
She Hulk and the Invisible Woman lie unconscious. Source: Unknown but probably the Fantastic Four.
Dec 05, 2010 5 2
Maria, the main female character, is disguised as a nurse. She gets caught and injected with a sedative. She wakes up bound to a table. Keywords: ecchi, supernatrual, demons, nurse, hospital, mouse, sorceress, long black hair. Contributed by:
Dec 05, 2010 9 5
From author Iogi Juichi. Keywords: bikini girl, drugged drink, beach, sleeping. Contributed by:
Dec 05, 2010 16 6
Several scenes here. The main girl (a redhead) is drugged twice. Contributed by:
Dec 05, 2010 24 10
Keywords: hockey mask, drugged tea, blue hair, CG art.
Dec 05, 2010 10 2
Keywords: panty shot, guns, dart to neck. Girls shown: Tifa and Aerith Gainsborough Contributed by:
Dec 05, 2010 11 2
Keywords: Ranma 1/2 doujinshi, akane. Contributed by:
Dec 05, 2010 9 2
Keywords: redhead, playboy bunny, gun, strung up, doujin. Contributed by:
Dec 05, 2010 7 4
The Femforce battle the Nazi heroine, Valkyra, and come off second best. Only the arrival of ms victory's daughter saves the day.
Dec 04, 2010 6 13
Black Phantom rework of an original 1950's story, along with a KO from a reprint from Redmask 49. I've included an information panel for those interested in more information. Source: Comic
Dec 04, 2010 5 8
Miss Masque brawls with some imposters before being knocked out. Source: Comic
Dec 04, 2010 2 4
Modesty Blaise,England's sexy spy, is drugged into unconsiousness and is resued by her trusty sidekick Willie Galvin. Nice coming-to scene. Spanish Lang. Source: blog
Dec 04, 2010 2 2
Here, Superboy and his Legion pals are threatened with mysterious deaths by an unknown advarsary. Duo Damsel and Princess Projectra faint, only to be followed in short order by their male Legion cohorts...Spanish Language ed. Source: blog
Dec 04, 2010 0 3
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