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Source: Torrent
Nov 27, 2010 1 1
Keywords: romance, kidnap, wake up in bed.
Nov 27, 2010 6 3
The main female protagonist is chloroformed by a gang, in a scene that lasts several panels. Another male is also chloroformed shortly after. This was a rather violent manga too.
Nov 27, 2010 7 5
The Girl of Steel (in a blue bodystocking that only lasted an issue or two, fortunately) takes her lumps on an alien planet, where in a bid to help some brave rebles, she enters a gladiatorial contest against a huge woman who almost cruahes her to death, and when that doesn't work, the evil tyrant uses a megaweapon on ...
Nov 27, 2010 2 6
Shadow Lass gets captured by the Legion's old enemies, The Fatal Five, and gets placed in a super-lit chamber that nuetrelizes her shadow-making powers...she escapes by wraping her cloak around herself. Not technically a 'sleepy' scene, but good peril. Spanish Language. Source: blog
Nov 27, 2010 0 4
Tiger Girl is knocked unconscious, tied to a rock and thrown into a river along with the standard Good Scientist. Her faithful manservant Abdullah rescues her. Source: Digital Comic Museum
Nov 27, 2010 7 4
Silly little scene. Contributed by:
Nov 27, 2010 4 2
Evil Lyn puts Teela to sleep via a spell (off panel). He-Man comes and rescues Teela. Scans are a little small, but there's a nice unconscious carry! Contributed by: anonymous (
Nov 27, 2010 3 2
Golden Guard lie helpless on the cover. Source: Comic
Nov 27, 2010 1 1
Keywords: sci-fi, girl, space suit, monster.
Nov 26, 2010 2 1
Various scenes involving a cute female superhero by the name of Mighty Heart.
Nov 26, 2010 7 6
Namora is "sleeping" on both covers. In one, she seems to be incapacitated, while in another, she seems to be enjoying herself!
Nov 26, 2010 5 2
Old comic. Woman in red dress captured, chloroformed by thugs. Tied up in a basement. Contributed by: c3c
Nov 26, 2010 6 2
A girl goes to her apartment only to get chloroformed. Short scene. Contributed by: Original title: Doujin [近石まさし] 處女姦淫
Nov 26, 2010 5 2
A woman in a party dress is chloroformed in a rather short scene. She wakes up bound to a chair. Black and white comic. Contributed by: c3c
Nov 26, 2010 6 2
Woman is chloroformed. Doujinshi. Above average scene. Contributed by:
Nov 26, 2010 15 6
A woman is both chloroformed and drugged. Doujinshi, hentai. Contributed by:
Nov 26, 2010 8 3
Very realistic, don't think it's 3d, but.. who cares! looks nice! Source: DeviantArt
Nov 25, 2010 2 1
More from Femforce, Kientics has a strip and gets in trouble in all 3 parts.. ff 151 to ff 153. Author posted this on his DeviantArt page. Source: DeviantArt
Nov 25, 2010 0 1
In a weird WW II story an Arabic belly dancer is hired by the Japanese to do terror work in the Middle East. She poses as the reincarnation of CLeopatra and has many Arab henchmen working for her. Black Cat and her man friend (Rick) are investigating the disappearance of several military personel in the Cairo area. E...
Nov 24, 2010 3 8
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