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In this issue the X-men have lost a number of their Team. Only Psylocke can lead them this time. As they arrive on the scene of the invasion, She is the first X-man to fall, even before the fighting begins. Overwhelmed by Psychic noise, she is surprise attacked from the rear. The villain quickly stuns her unconsciou...
Aug 06, 2010 1 7
One of my Favorite scenes. Psylocke in her original British body, coordinates the X-men in trying to take on Freedom Force. She orders dazzler to blind their foes, only Dazzler is quickly defeated instead. Next we see Psylocke, trying to use her Telepathy on the Blob, to get him to move from wolverine. But so focus...
Aug 06, 2010 1 5
Here is a good blast KO of the lovely Sharon Carter. The cover image is top-notch; the actual scene inside is merely adequate. It is from Captain America #145 (Marvel, January 1972). Source: My Comic Book Collection
Aug 05, 2010 3 2
These scenes are from the 4th story in Bulletman #12 - - already this sexy flying heroine has had her lights put out with a fist to the chin twice, and been choked and hung from a rope . . . all in the previous story, (appearing elsewhere on this site). In this story she and her mate attempt to stop a serial murderer ...
Aug 02, 2010 2 10
Bulletgirl appeared with her mate, Bulletman, in all 16 issues of the Bulletman title. Issue #12 of Bulletman has 4 stories, 2 with multiple DID scenes and 2 with none - - and 2 out of 4 isn't bad. In the 3rd story of the issue the "Flying Duo" face a jewel thief who is not only a woman, she is very wealthy, robs for ...
Aug 02, 2010 2 13
Black Cat is locked in an airtight bank vault by the real bank the morning the enraged townspeople drag her out for a lynching..don't worry...she gets out of it! Great story from the pre-FDIC days of 1948! Source: Digital Comics Museum
Aug 02, 2010 4 2
The Metropolitan Art Museum has come up with some graffiti painted on certain valuable paintings, among them a Van Gogh and a Picasso. So the police comissioner sends Bulletgirl and her mate to investigate. The Curator seems to be clueless, so Bulletgirl decides to put on a suit of medievel armor complete with helmet ...
Jul 31, 2010 1 6
Ann, Kaanga The Jungle Lord's mate, is hit on the head with a coconut and carried off by a giant gorilla. Ann was definitely from the Dale Arden school of heroines..completely helpless without Kaanga to rescue her, although later in the series, she became a bit more self-reliant. Good artwork, imho. Source...
Jul 31, 2010 6 3
gagged scene Source: other
Jul 28, 2010 2 15
Only one picture to display in this Bulletgirl story . . . it comes from the splash page or title page of the story and shows the sexy brunette and her mate (Bulletman) each tied up to a pole and a crazed professor blowing poison darts at them. Unfortunately, there is no bondage in the actual story - - - it's only in ...
Jul 28, 2010 1 3
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Miss America, another revived hero from Marvel's 70's World War II book, is knocked out by The Iron Cross who uses the helpless superheroine to escape. Source: Comicsworld
Jul 27, 2010 1 2
Futura is knocked out by one of the many alen races wishing her harm. Some fine, Golden Age, Good Girl Art here...does anyone know the artist? Source: Comicsworld
Jul 27, 2010 0 3
Male Female


Fatale is knocked out while trying to escape the enemy compound. Short-lived title by the short-lived Broadway Comics, comic legend Jim Shooter's attempt to jump the 90's indie-bandwagon...a good book that entered the markeplace as the 90's speculative frenzy was about to end... Source: Comicsworld
Jul 27, 2010 9 3
Before Greer Nelson became the fairly-well-known Marvel character "Tigra", she starred as the superheroine "Cat" in the short-lived comic "Claws of the Cat", which lasted all of four issues, from 1972 to 1973. In her third issue (cover-dated April 1973), she encounters the evil Kraken, and is knocked unconscious twi...
Jul 27, 2010 4 6
Natasha/Black Widow is out to kill some guy when she is apprehended by Captain America. She is then shocked in her back. She wakes up naked and bound in a meat house.
Jul 27, 2010 1 3
The script writer for many of Nyoka's great stories is a question mark. An artist/writer named Rod Reed is often mentioned but usually with a question mark after his name. He is later credited with drawing the Cisco Kid and Rusty Riley in the 50's and 60's. Whoever wrote her stories, they consistently were DID to th...
Jul 26, 2010 4 12
Handgag scenes from Terry Moore Source: web scans
Jul 26, 2010 0 3
Nyoka adventures are always full of pleasant suprises and this short 7 page story is no exception - - - she is hit in the head, knocked out, robbed, revisited and kidnapped, manhandled, over the hip carried kicking and flailing, shoved down, held down, and finally rescued by her boy friend "Larry". All this DID excite...
Jul 23, 2010 0 14
No description.
Jul 23, 2010 4 2
Female Female


No description.
Jul 23, 2010 3 1
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