Miko is given drugged food. She is thrown onto a bed where her assailant proceeds to undress her.
Alternate Title: Kaisoku Tantei Miko. Author: Iogi Juichi
Miko is given a drugged drink which causes her to pass out. She is then touched inappropriately.
Alternate Title: Kaisoku Tantei Miko. Author: Iogi Juichi
This is a pretty bad scene (could have been better). We see someone approach a girl from behind
with a syringe. In the next panel, the girl is waking up (having obviously been drugged).
The main girl (she's the cute one who wears glasses) is given a drugged ice cream dish.
The drug causes the girl to passout. A bunch of other girls proceed to inject her and do stuff to her.
Contributed by: e-hentai.org
Another excellent story of peril for our oft imperiled jungle girl. In this story, a small airplane goes down in the jungle but the small crew all survive. They are taken captive by some ruthless natives who demand $10,000 for their release. Nyoka volunteers to spy on the tribe, and attempt a rescue of the captives....