Phantom Lady was one of the few good girl art superheroines to survive the onset of the Comic Book Code in 1954 - - - but only for a couple of years and then a near total phase out. This issue of Wonder Boy came out several months after the code and represents one of 7 or 8 appearances she made before she went off the...
Sheena Magazine #4 was published in the Fall of 1948, approximately 5 years after issue #1 which appeared in 1943. Obviously this was a very "now-and-then" publication. W. Morgan Thomas wrote all the stories, (although this is a "Pen Name" for an unknown author, -- possibly Jerry Iger or Will Eisner) and did so thr...
Sheena Comic #7 was printed in the Summer of 1950. This is another great DID issue . . . in nearly every story in the book Sheena is captured and tortured. She is KO'd, hand gagged, manhandled, whipped in the face, and faints from battling wild beasts. She is also tied up in several episodes. While many of her other...
Aria takes a whif of some halucenagenic potion,which causes her to drift into a dream where she's attacked by a tree...fortunately, her friend administers the antidote, and all is well..
Source: Comicsworld
Here Bill Black and Mark Henkie present an original Tim Holt-Black Phantom story, which tells the story of how Black Phantom abandons her life of crime to join Tim Holt in his fight for frontier justice. Fun stuff..
Source: blog
Tarot, Jim Balent's titular character(sorry, couldn't resist..) gets zapped by the Three Little Kittens,who think she's an enemy..she gets the drop on them next issue,however, and the girls compare notes, realize they're on the same side, and team up to stop a mystical threat. Tarot, while abounding in knockouts and b...
Various KO's of Tim Holt's sexy sidekick Black Phantom from AC's anthology of her appearences...I've added the inner page index,if anyone wants the specific issues...
Source: blog
Sheena Queen of the Jungle first appeared in Jumbo Comic #1 way back in 1939 -- she's a true pioneer. Very popular with soldier boys overseas in WWII, Fiction House decided to present her with her own title book three years later. In the first story of this issue she tries to stop a mad German scientist who is trying ...
"Simba" was, I believe, a series of South American reprints of the Italian comic strip "la Pantera Bionda"(The Blonde Panther) , which ran in the late 40's. For whatever reason, the character was renamed..this cover is one of my personal favorites.Unfortunately, the interior action is nowhere near as dramatic...
Here, Mawa is knocked out twice in one issue. First, she and her native mentor are overcome by gas and dumped into a raging river...the water revives her, however, and after a confrontation with those same mind-controling baboons, her friends sedate her when she is about to turn violent towards them..
Again, my 8th-gr...
An unbelievable disappointing scene in issue 35. Some Supergirl lookalike flies around and fights some robots who ram her into the ground. There is only a small arm carry and follow up scene.
Caitlin Fairchild is fighting some guy who has gotten himself some superpowers. He beats Caitlin into a pulp and tries to fondle her while thinking about keeping her to himself. Caitlin looks great.
Rainmaker is surprised and gassed by a robot's tentacles. She falls asleep on a guys lap.
On the cover, Caitlin Fairchild is hanging upside-down and unconscious in that same robot's clutches.