Supergirl encounters some people who she thinks she knows but can't remember. Eventually it gets too much for her and she faints. She wakes up in the next issue under a pile of ruble.
Supergirl is fighting a bunch of insects with her ally who gets in trouble. When she tries to help him she is subdued by the insects but how is not shown. She wakes up later, restricted, by the Insect Queen.
Shego is fighting an alien female warrior, Warmonga, who throws her right through a big object which knocks her unconscious. Warmonga then retrieves her unconscious body and holds it for display.
Some scene captures from Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths.This is a new straight to DVD release in which the Justice League are up against their evil mirror universe counterparts, and the mirror universe Lex Luthor is a hero!
There are a ton of fights and knockouts in this one, this is only a sampling.
Jinal Ne Comarr , on a mission to bring order to a lawless and violent planet, is captured by the outlaw king Zhengla and defeated in hand-to-hand combat..from a 4-issue DC miniseries that was never followed up..a shame!
Source: some blog
Sheena gets knocked out (again...I think the Jungle HMO would have denied her coverage at this rate..) and comes to on a raft, about to be fed to man-eating lions...just another day in the Fiction House jungle, in other words!
Source: GACD
From DC's alternative history run...about the only place I can think of where all the Legion girls (and boys, for that matter) are shown out cold in one place...
Source: some blog
From the fairly short-lived Wonder Woman newspaper strip...a pretty cool scene... has a fantastic collection of newspaper strips that any serious fan of the genre should take a look at..
A couple of quick ko's from Kitchen Sink's late,lamented Cutey Bunny ..a book that was lost in the shuffle at the time, but was a delicious rip on Harvey Kurtzmann's work for MAD and Playboy. An unjustly ignored book!
Source: Comicsworld
Kim Possible thinks her friend is okay but in reality he is a cyborg and shocks her unconscious when she hugs him. She wakes up bound with her sidekick.
The girl in the bathing suit, Iori Yoshizuki, is kidnapped by some lunatic. When some guy knocks out some henchmen, the lunatic knocks out Iori in response. The rest is just mostly her being unconscious, while we never see her face.
I don't really know what happens but at the end of issue 4 Wynonna is captured by villains and then carried OTS. At the beginning of the following issue she is still captured but awake but somehow she is unconscious on the next page but looking great. She wakes up after some guy rescues her.
Battling a masked villain SW is surprised by another masked man who is indeed a very nice guy.
He ties her up at flashlight and gag her, then leave her in a haunted house.
Bonus: a little scene with a ghost in the haunted house where she faint unconscious. She regain consciusness out of scene.
Source: comicsworld....
The girl, Rion Akagami, was thrown off a boat and is now underwater where a venomous creature bites her in the breast. She passes out but her friend saves her and uses CPR to wake her up.