The girl, Bridgette L. Satellizer, is in a fight against one of her enemies but is caught off guard and is restrained by her enemies´ chains. Her enemy then tightens the chains which knock her out after which it only holds her unconscious body.
The anime version of the comic book knockout of Kaede Sakura. She barely misses getting hit by a bullet which causes her to faint, after which she is brought to the infirmary by Natsuru Seno
Zoot Comics #8 featured the second appearance of Rulah in this title, which had featured Funny Animals from issues 1 through 6. What a change . . . from the ridiculous to the sublime!! In this, early appearance, she had only one story followed by others far less interesting than her. In later issues of this title ...
In Zoot #13 the veluptuous Rulah and the women of her tribe face captivity and enslavement unless they can defeat their captors. This is the theme of both the first and second stories in this issue. In the third story the plot is somewhat different: she is asked to grant safe passage to an Arab caravan carrying th...
Ran is walking alone down the street when she gets tazered from behind. The KO is not show, but we see her lying unconscious in the next panel.
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Dagger in her civilian form is kidnapped via an injection to the neck. She's roughed up a bit when she wakes up.
Contributed by: Erikson (Western Civilization)
The title translates to Rappi Rangai in Japanese.
The plot is, this guy, Raizo, is being protected by three ninjas. Two girls and one guy who´s a crossdresser. Their master wants to take them off the mission to protect Raizo, but they refuse. Only if they can defeat their master, will he let them continue protectin...
This unconscious and bondage scene of Kaede Sakura is spread over multiple chapters. Basically she's held as ransom in a plot to make the main character fight the enemy. In the end, the good girl wins and makes the enemy release her.
There's a fight going on between three people and a bystander is hit by one of the blasts. She passes out and is carried to safety after the whole thing is done.
Basically it's about a guy who's been chosen to fight but transforms into a girl. She doesnt want that and the bear then hits her in the stomach which knocks her out.
Cute cover scene showing Angel and her mom wearing sexy leotards (this manga is all about sexy girls basically).
Inside there is a bondage scene and if you look very carefully, the last image has a chloro scene (that's just a flash back).
Contributed by: Animeeny