Yukino, the superheroine of the story, is chasing after a car that has the main bad guy in it (an old guy with glasses). Yukino manages to stop the car, but the villain is ready with a bottle of chloroform and a cloth. The villain chloroforms Yukino, rendering her unconscious (she is a superhero, but apparantly is w...
Full manga name: [Nightmare Express-悪夢の宅配便-] 欲望回帰 310
A red-haired girl is being forced to drive a car at gunpoint. When she stops the car, she is chloroformed from behind.
Two young school girls are having fun touching each other, when two older guys approach and chloroform them. The dark haired girl wakes up bound and gagged.
A school girl visits the nurses office, and while the girl is speaking, the nurse is silently pouring chloroform onto a rag. The nurse then chloroforms the school girl.
In one panel, the nurse looks incredulously at the cloth and probably mutters, "wow, that worked!"
The girl wakes up tied to a bed and gagged.