Sorry for the microfiche quality.
Doll Man is sprayed with sleeping gas and wakes up tied up. A woman wearing a chinese dress tries to rescue Doll Man, but she gets grabbed from behind. She's bound and gagged.
A villain named The Undertaker releases sleeping gas at an auction house. Martha is rendered unconscious (she becomes Doll Girl later on). Some other patrons are put to sleep as well.
A woman in a yellow dress runs from some bad guys who want to murder he. She runs into Doll Man and faints. Doll Man manages to beat the bad guys away while she is unconscious.
A bunch of cute girls are unconscious on the cover, in a sort of defeated pose (we only see their faces though).
Another girl is seen chained in a chapter splash page.
Fury is found unconscious on a mountain top; Stargirl knocked unconscious in blast. Fury scene concluded in issue 79.
Keywords: Justice Society of America.
Lian Toris (the girl on the cover) and an android friend of hers are gassed and taken to a lab. Unfortunately the gassing is only implied ("anti-android gas" was used on them).
Stargirl is knocked out briefly in a fight.
Dove (from Hawk and Dove) gets knocked out by Eclipso (but it's shown off screen). Final page shows Eclipso holding Dove unconscious, but we cannot see her face!
Keywords: Justice Society of America, hospital