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In what is a truly noble act, Arak sets Valda in her place by knocking her out with a punch to the face. All in order to prevent her from getting involved in a fight. Truly, truly noble.
Oct 31, 2009 0 3
A Native American woman is bitten by a large snake. The venom renders her unconscious, but she recovers.
Oct 31, 2009 2 3
A sorcerer throws sleep dust into Valda's face. Arak carries her OTS. Later on, Arak himself gets a dose of the same sleep dust. In the next issue we see Valda on board of a ship, unconscious a long with some other people.
Oct 31, 2009 3 5
Valda is attacked by monstrous horses, and while fighting them she hits her head on a boulder. A mysterious person comes and carries her away. In the next issue she wakes up in bed wearing her underwear, with her arms tied behind her.
Oct 31, 2009 2 5
Arak punches out Valda. There is also a minor unconscious cover scene.
Oct 31, 2009 0 3
Valda is knocked out by a falling rock.
Oct 31, 2009 0 2
Source - A girl goes looking for her brother, only to get tazered from behind.
Oct 31, 2009 1 4
This was sent by paulpicks11. Nyoka is knocked out (like always) and carried unconscious. If anyone knows the issue # please leave a note! Thanks.
Oct 31, 2009 8 2
Sonoko is darted by Conan...for like the 50th time.
Oct 31, 2009 2 5
Nyoka Burned at the Stake: Nyoka is grabbed and manhandled by some tribal natives. They tie her to a stake and set fire to it. This is an early issue in her long running series (#4) and here she looks more sexy than later issues -- better bustline and legs. In this scene Nyoka is smashed in the face by a guy whose tr...
Oct 31, 2009 1 4
The iconic "Death of Supergirl" cover. Art by George Perez.
Oct 31, 2009 2 1
Saw this linked on The original website is Artwork depicts a disarmed Blue Bulleteer tied to a chair with an IV in her arm, keeping her drugged.
Oct 31, 2009 9 1
Abigail faints and is carried. Good unconscious carry on the cover too.
Oct 30, 2009 6 6
Abigail and another man are given drugged drinks. Abby wakes up bound and gagged in a chair.
Oct 30, 2009 3 4
Very nice scene from a Buck Rogers comic. Buck's lady friend gets blasted unconscious by a robot. She gets carried to safety, with a great arm carry at the end.
Oct 30, 2009 6 5
In a backstory, Valda The Iron Maiden gets knocked out in a fight and OTS carried away.
Oct 30, 2009 2 2
Dyanna, the woman wearing a fur bikini and boots, is trapped in a cage that has been lit on fire. She gets rescued but faints in the process.
Oct 30, 2009 2 6
Tangi is lifted overhead and carried by an evil Arab in order to toss her to his pet lion for the kill. She manages to reverse the process and stabs the lion. She is then knocked out and carried to a cliff and tossed over to her death. What she had been up to was to try to prevent some Arabic thieves from stealing from...
Oct 30, 2009 2 8
Miss Martian is knocked out via a psychic mind blast (not included here because it's not that great of a KO). The following unconscious shots of her are great though! There is also a brief scene where Raven is unconscious as well. Overall pretty good.
Oct 29, 2009 9 6
Three pages from Marvel Mystery #58 featuring the Black Widow (a villainess -- not Natasha Romanoff). Miss America is knocked out, bound and the house set afire. She manages to escape and give chase. When she catches up, the Black Widow lashes out with a powerful blow to the jaw. Miss America wins in the end. Source:...
Oct 29, 2009 1 3
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