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Miss America is struck from behind by the Black Widow's henchmen, then she is tied up and a fire is set. She's always depicted as a little "slip of a girl" yet still very sexy. Source: my book
Oct 29, 2009 1 2
Source: scan from Description: A robotic Superman holds an unconscious Lois Lane.
Oct 28, 2009 2 1
source: The Hulk carries a woman unconscious on the cover.
Oct 28, 2009 3 1
Cover scene. Rare issue too.
Oct 28, 2009 1 1
Source: TPB cover
Oct 28, 2009 2 2
Source: Scan from
Oct 28, 2009 3 1
Female Female


Freefall (Roxanne) is seen with her hands bound behind her. The reason why I like this scene though, is because another woman places an oxygen mask over Roxie's mouth. Kinda cool.
Oct 28, 2009 2 3
Momose, who recently turned into a "superwoman", is given a drugged tea by a scientist. The scientist takes Momose to his lab where he does experiments on her, which amount to just pounding her with mallets. Since she has super strength, nothing bad actually happens to her. Slight nudity involved.
Oct 28, 2009 10 6
Still in vol. 1. Included some nice pictures of the main character Momose, in leotard and undergarments. In one scene, she is on the ground after fainting (she saw something scary). Shortly after, a guy in a ski mask (the same scientist from before) hits her with a rubber ax, causing her to faint again.
Oct 28, 2009 3 5
Momose wraps her body around a bomb in order to save the lives of people around her. The subsequent blast renders her unconscious. There's a nice shot of her unconscious wearing a bikini.
Oct 28, 2009 8 6
Male Female


1. Jungla passes out while hanging onto a log in the ocean. She wakes up on a beach. 2. Jungla is knocked out with a stick to the head, in a fight with natives.
Oct 28, 2009 6 2
Male Female


Jungla is knocked out in a fight. She is kicked and flies into a wooden crate, hitting her head. She wakes up with her arms and feet bound.
Oct 28, 2009 4 4


Jungla trips and knocks herself out. Too bad the scans are so small.
Oct 28, 2009 1 3
Male Female


Nice scene. Jungla is standing on a tree branch when a poacher shoots it, causing her to fall. She is picked up unconscious and taken to an encampment. As a bonus she is bound and gagged!
Oct 28, 2009 12 6
Vertigo (girl wearing rainbow colored costume) is knocked out in issues #3 and #4 of Marvel Fanfare, but they are not very good KO's.
Oct 28, 2009 2 3
Wonder Girl and Wonder Woman get into a fight. There is a good stomach punch near the end. The cover is also a really nice peril scene.
Oct 28, 2009 6 5
Cover to March 2003 issue. Shows The Hulk carrying an unconscious woman.
Oct 28, 2009 2 1
Female Female


Ballistic is commanded to sleep. Could have been better.
Oct 28, 2009 0 1
The smoke and unconscious people in this scene, makes it look like a sleeping gas scene.
Oct 26, 2009 12 4
Various unconscious scenes from this issue. There's a scene where an unconscious girl is being washed by other girls. There's panty shots if you're into that thing. Overall, pretty fetishy manga.
Oct 26, 2009 15 4
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