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I think the girl in the white dress (named Lisa) is either drugged or under some sort of hypnosis.
Oct 21, 2009 0 4
Witchblade sleeps peacefully on her bed, wearing a really thin thong. Not a KO, just a really sexy pic.
Oct 21, 2009 2 2
Scenes from issue #3 and 4. In #3, there is an unconscious cover featuring Bulleteer (a variant on Bullet Girl). In issue #4, there is a gas drugging scene featuring another girl.
Oct 21, 2009 5 4
In She-Hulk's first appearance, Jen Walters gets shot in the back by mobsters. Bruce Banner manages to rescue her in time though.
Oct 21, 2009 1 4
She-Hulk is knocked out in a fight with Adrenazon. It ends with a very nice unconscous shot of her. Also includes wake up from when She-Hulk was gassed in issue #124.
Oct 21, 2009 7 3
Adrenazon, the villain in the story, manages to knock herself out. There's a good unconscious shot of her.
Oct 21, 2009 1 2
A follow up to the previous issue, Spider-Woman tries to beat the same bad guy again, but again he gets the better of her and slams her into a wall. Then he puts a metal bar against her throat so she can't breathe which causes her to pass out. Spider-Man then saves her and she wakes up in a car.
Oct 20, 2009 1 2
Spider-Woman (Julia Carpenter) is trying to beat up some bad guys on her own but is defeated by them. Later she meets Spider-Man and he also defeats her, but just barely. Her mask comes off and she looks good. Later they both try to defeat the same bad guy from before but Spider-Woman is ko'd again. Spider-Man then sav...
Oct 20, 2009 5 5
Doc Dare is a mini-series sexy superheroine fetish type special by Penthouse Comix and our heroine ends up bound and gagged in many different situations including in her very origin! Great stuff Source: torrent
Oct 19, 2009 13 11
A sexy female pirate, wearing pretty much a bikini, gets hit in the shoulder with an arrow. She falls back unconscious. Nice artwork.
Oct 19, 2009 3 5
Wonder Woman is attending a competition which will determine the 'next' Wonder Woman. During an evening campfire Diana starts to feel weak and faints which will take her into a different reality or dimension. She wakes up a couple of hours later.
Oct 19, 2009 1 3
Great unconscious scene featuring the sexy Merriem the cavewoman. Merriem falls out of the sky of a pterodactyl and falls into the water. She hits her head then. After she washes ashore she tries to get up but faints. What follows is an amazing unconscious scene featuring Merriem in great unconscious detail and several...
Oct 19, 2009 20 12
A woman white dress gets smacked unconscious (a little abusive, but she has a smile on her face in the end). She gets carried over-the-shoulder while unconscious.
Oct 19, 2009 0 4
Dazzler and Jean Grey are gagged oh so briefly. There's a decent KO of Kitty Pryde in this issue as well.
Oct 19, 2009 13 3
Various bondage and peril scenes from Jackpost Comics #2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9. There are a few good bondage covers; one has an unconscious damsel on the front. There are several other unconscious scenes.
Oct 19, 2009 2 12
One of the best Lady Death scenes so far! The cover is really amazing.
Oct 19, 2009 6 4
Various scenes from issue #5, Includes two M/M chloro scenes. One of them near the end is absolutely hilarious. A bad guy throws a bottle of chloroform at an officer, which shatters the bottle and drenches the guy in chloroform. The officer (covered head to toe in chloroform), picks up the broken bottle, reads the l...
Oct 18, 2009 0 9
Something in the air knocks out Zig.
Oct 18, 2009 0 3
Various knockout/bondage scenes in issue #3.
Oct 18, 2009 0 8
The main character gets knocked out in a fight. He's bound and gagged shortly after.
Oct 18, 2009 0 2
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