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Saturn Girl gets zapped.
Oct 04, 2009 0 2
Kei is piggy-back carried while unconscious.
Oct 04, 2009 1 6
Kei is seen unconscious several times. The first scene spans between volume 6 and 7. The second scene shows Kei manifested in some sort of energy and falling unconscious into a robot's arms. Several nice arm carries occur towards the end.
Oct 04, 2009 3 11
Various scenes from issues #2 through #4. Light Lass has been captured (but there is no KO shown).
Oct 04, 2009 2 6
Spidergirl (DC version, not related to the Marvel one) is knocked out by a stun blast, and beamed up somewhere.
Oct 04, 2009 1 2
Dawnstar is given an electric jolt, which sends her falling in midair. She is caught by an ally with telekinetic powers.
Oct 04, 2009 4 2
Kei (cute girl with blonde hair) is knocked out somehow, but manga is confusing.
Oct 04, 2009 2 3
This Kei girl is unconscious a lot. Included the cover because it's sexy as hell. But seriously, the three characters are shown to survive some sort of car accident. Kei remains unconscious. The boy piggy-back carries her while she is unconscious.
Oct 04, 2009 3 9
Farn Iris (ultra sexy dark skinned babe) is rendered unconscious in some blast (it seems like she was under some spell before that though). A few awesome arm carries follow. In particular, the arm carry on page 166 is the reason I am giving this 5 stars (the panty shot is just a bonus ^^).
Oct 04, 2009 11 8
Two splash pages in this volume.
Oct 04, 2009 3 2
Kei (the blonde girl) is captured by a sick perverted man in glasses (the knockout isn't shown, but I think it's implied he drugged her).
Oct 04, 2009 7 9
Ran (girl with short hair) uses her powers to physically knockout Midori (her friend with longer blue hair).
Oct 04, 2009 0 6
Midori gets tangled in some possessed vines, which cause her to lose consciousness (they manage to revive her several dozen pages later). The vines bind and gag her briefly.
Oct 04, 2009 1 6
Cover image.
Oct 04, 2009 2 1
Avatar press. Promo cover for Avengely Seraphicide #0 (Prelude).
Oct 04, 2009 4 1
Avengelyne is knocked out (off panel) and crucified. You can tell she was head KO'd because she says " head." There is also this nice panel of Shi sleeping peacefully (she wasn't knocked out).
Oct 04, 2009 14 4
Avatar comics. Bondage and unconscious girl on cover. Bondage on the inside.
Oct 04, 2009 7 3
Avatar comics. In issue #1, Avengelyne is knocked out in battle (almost missed this!). She is shown chained in the next issue. Towards the end of this issue, Avengelyne passes out underwater and returns to the surface unconscious. There's even a little girl on girl action.
Oct 04, 2009 14 7
Avatar Press. Some various unconscious panels from issues #1 and #2.
Oct 04, 2009 5 3
Warning: Mature content. Avengelyne is hypnotized to sleep. She wakes up chained in a dungeon. Lots of unconscious views.
Oct 04, 2009 34 8
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