A woman in a red dress is knocked out by a femme fatale in a blue dress. The woman in red manages to escape and punch out the woman in blue!
Contributed by: c3c (Covers)
Black Canary and some cop are on the run from some bad guys with guns. When they've got nowherre left to run the guy shoots at Black Canary but the guy jumps in front of her to take the bullet. She is then hit in the face with the butt of the rifle. She later wakes up in some prison with strange clothes (so she had to ...
The followup to Wonder Woman Special #1 (ask and ye shall receive, also viva insomnia)
After having been knocked out by a demon in the previous issue, WW is carried down to a cellar dungeon and locked into a cage. The plan is for her to be sacrificed to the demon to provide it with a stronger physical body to inhabi...
Warning: a little violent. Ms. Marvel has beaten up her counterpart.
I learned that the Ms. Marvel wearing black is Carol Danvers, while the one wearing red is Moonstone.
Seriously, at this point there is no way any character can top Wonder Woman in terms of KO's. This is just awesome.
Apparantly, this story is concluded in Wonder Woman v2 #63. If anyone can find that issue, there could be more unconscious shots!
Wonder Woman (or possibly someone dressed like her) is knocked out when hit over the head with a cooking pan (OUCH). The assailant is a woman named Vivian. Wonder Woman wakes up in bondage.
If anyone knows the issue this scene came from, please leave a comment telling me! Thanks.
Source: Western Civilization
Two scenes in one (not very good though). A woman is put under for surgery. In another brief scene, a girl is tape gagged.
Again, just posting this because someone out there will like it.