Cloak and Dagger are about to head back to New York to alert other heroes about the villainous group called The Pride after learning about it through their kid's The Runaways.
Unfortunately The Pride catched them and wipes their minds of their time in LA. Knocking them out in the process.
Source: torrent
In the same comic book as the one where Lynx KO's Black Canary, Black Canary gets out for some revenge against the guy, who is being protected by Lynx. Because she is in the way, Black Canary beats her unconscious. We don't see Lynx getting KO'd but we do see her unconscious body sliding across the table.
Black Canary is still in awe after a bomb has gone off which puts a hole in the dam, which protects the village from flooding. While this happens Lynx hits Black Canary from behind. It doesn't completely knock her out but we'll let that slide for once.
Huntress is unconscious and in restraints on the cover of Birds of Prey #70. This scene or any other knockout scene does not happen in the comic itself however.
Arwyn is knocked out by a dragon. A very sexy wake up follows in issue 9.
The dragon transforms into its real form: a beautiful female (unconscious as well!)
In the previous issue, Arwyn and some others are swallowed by the ocean. I didn't include
that scene because it wasn't very interesting. What IS interesting, is the wake up scene that happens next. Sexy as hell.