Black Canary shoots Catwoman with some beam gun to knock her out because she doesn't trust her. A group of soldiers then capture Canary and throw Catwoman OTS into a holding cell.
There are several scenes here.
First, there's the cover featuring several people (including one woman) unconscious and tied up.
Inside, Petatje passes out after inhaling chloroform from a cloth she found on the floor.
Finally, we see the characters from the cover get gassed by a mad scientist.
The scientist gets a tas...
Fighting Yank and his girl friend Joan (they were all named 'Joan' weren't they?) are tied up over a vat of something.
Joan faints after getting rescued, but the next panel she is fine. Further proof Golden Age comics often made no sense.
From Wildstorm comics. A sexy asian warrior is chained to a wall, about to be sacrificed.
The villain shoves a cloth into her mouth. I don't believe the girl is ever named in the story.
Wonder Woman sides with Aquaman (Is that his name? I don't really know) to fight a giant squid. However, she is knocked because the squid hits her and she falls onto a rock, which knocks her out. Then she wakes up in bondage, facing her enemy.
Wonder Girl Cassie tries to fight the group of villains that have captured her mother (see issue 3 on this website), but in the end she is outnumbered and defeated by the group. She wakes up later in the house of an ally she doesn't know/